There are different options for getting a in loving memory tattoo. Here are some to consider:
1. Banner and Lettering.
Keep in mind that there are different design ideas available for your lettering and your banner. Cursive style lettering is very popular for in loving memory tattoos. The standard banner design is also hugely popular. But a banner design isn't required, and you have several different font options for your lettering.
Look at all the different options. Is there a certain font style that you feel connects more with person you are inking tribute to? Would a banner work better for the accompanying design?
2. Personal designs.
Think of any designs, photos, objects, or anything personal about the person you can use as a design to accompany the lettering. This could be tricky translating it over onto a tattoo design, but it likely can be done in one way or another, or at least certain aspects of a photo or object can be workable.
Options for personal designs could be anything from a favorite hat or article of clothing the individual would wear to an actual photo of the person himself.
3. Symbol Designs.
These are the most common, and sometimes the most powerful design options. You have many design choices to choose from. You want to find a tattoo design that you feel speaks to or symbolizes the person you are remembering. You can choose tattoos which symbolize strength, beauty, solidarity, or many other attributes you feel relate to the person.
A common in loving memory tattoo to get is the heart tattoo. This simply expresses your love for that person, and that they'll always remain close to your heart. You can find a vast array of different styles of heart tattoos to choose from.