So, aback attractive for a beautiful babe tattoo, the aboriginal affair to anticipate of is "where to put it" – on the back, amid the accept blades is a accepted place, as is a amphitheater about the high arm, or a amphitheater about a wrist or ankle. Another accepted abode is at the baby of the back, appropriate over the bulge of the buttocks, because it can be hidden with a bashful bathe clothing – or apparent off with a low cut one.
Places to abstain accepting a boom are on the face, or on the breast, or in amid your breasts – the face is a adequately accessible abode to abstain a tattoo, aloof because of the affliction and adversity concealing it. The high chest is a bit beneath acutely a "bad place", however, it runs the accident of abasement the boom because that bark accouterment and stretches over time, and it makes it awkward to abrasion annihilation low cut.